首页 > 音频其它 > 2014世界杯主题曲we are one_【音频其它2014世界杯】(3.4M)

2014世界杯主题曲we are one_【音频其它2014世界杯】(3.4M)

2014世界杯主题曲we are one是一款不错的2014世界杯工具和音频其它免费软件,软件大小3.4M,最近更新于2014/5/10,支持Vista, WinXP, win7, WinAll等操作系统。

2014世界杯主题曲we are one2014年巴西世界杯主题曲,历届世界杯主题曲都不乏传世经典,不知道今年这首weareone怎么样呢?先下载试听下,提前感受下桑巴世界杯的氛围吧!最可靠的下载

2014年巴西世界杯主题曲,历届世界杯主题曲都不乏传世经典,不知道今年这首we are one怎么样呢?先下载试听下,提前感受下桑巴世界杯的氛围吧!


2014世界杯主题曲we are one_【音频其它2014世界杯】(3.4M)

国际足联2014年1月23日在里约热内卢与新力公司共同宣布,2014年世界杯足球赛主题曲将延续上届的拉丁风格,这首名为《We Are One》(我们是一家)的歌曲由美国拉丁天后詹妮弗·洛佩兹、当红歌星皮普保罗和巴西歌星克劳迪娅·莱蒂共同演唱。

we are one歌词

巴西世界杯主题曲we are one

You’ve got keep going

One love, one life, one world

One fight, whole world, one night, one place

Brazil, everybody put your flags in the sky and do what you feel

It’s your world, my world, our world today

And we invite the whole world, whole world to play

It’s your world, my world, our world today

And we invite the whole world, whole world to play

Es mi mundo, tu mundo, el mundo de nosotros

Invitamos a todo el mundo a jugar con nosotros

Put your flags up in the sky

(Put them in the sky)

And wave them side to side (side to side)

Show the world where you’re from (show them where you’re from)

Show the world we are one (one love, life)

Put your flags up in the sky (Put them in the sky)

And wave them side to side (side to side)

Show the world where you’re from (show them where you’re from)

Show the world we are one (one love, life)

Oe oe oe oh la

Oe oe oe oh la

Oe oe oe oh la

Put your flags up in the sky (put them in the sky)

And wave them side to side (side to side)

Show the world where you’re from (show them where you’re from)

Show the world we are one (one love, life)

Put your flags up in the sky (put them in the sky)

And wave them side to side (side to side)

Show the world where you’re from (show them where you’re from)

Show the world we are one (one love, life)

Oe oe oe oh la

Oe oe oe oh la

Oe oe oe oh la

2014世界杯主题曲we are one_【音频其它2014世界杯】(3.4M):等您坐沙发呢!

